First post-season evaluation installment. Circa April for the most part; emotional immobilization stymied the project. I pecked away erratically and these three teams’ notes are reasonably complete.
Shiffrin’s greatness abides. Her quasar beams Laser light; bends time on the pitch. Her knee injury at Cortina, fortunately, wasn’t serious. But it laid down a mortal chit, which so far we haven’t really seen. (Beijing Tech was a transcendent error—revealing a deep personality whose basic failure burnished her legend: Mikaela rules high and low.)
Also, Cortina edged Lara Gut-Behrami into Overall title contention, which she seduced and throttled. IMO, with LG-B’s triumph WAWC is approaching a golden age’s end. Lara says she’ll hang ‘em up after 2025; I’m sure Federica Brignone and Sofia Goggia will retire after Cortina Olympics. Ragnhild shrewdly bid adieu in March while she’s freshly polished for post-career study, business, family. Ilka Stuhec and Elena Curtoni are at most two competitive seasons from the end. 2025 will be a transitional year as several major early prime year folks and young guns dial their sights.
Blah, blah. Here’s MS’s 2024 record:
Overall 3d – 1409 points
SL 1st – 10 starts – 7x1st; 2nd; 4th; DNF. Boring. After Petra was hurt, SL was boring, generally.
GS 5th – 7 starts – 1st; 2nd; 3x3d; 6th; 9th. Missed three starts to injury, and Finals to discipline ranking. 5 of 7 podium; no DNF. A solid season.
SG 29th – 2 starts – 4th; DNF. Didn’t compete early 2024 x 2; knee knocked her out of final 5.
DH 22nd – 2 starts – 1st; DNF. Ditto. Skipped Zauchensee; final 5 injured. Still, smoked St. Moritz.
Only issue is whether she goes whole-hog 4-Discipline. I bet she will for 2025 Worlds season and 2026 Olympics. If she cleans up—say 2 x gold and 2 x podium each big meet, she may flee, but I think she’ll go through 2028 and finish with around 130 WAWC wins. Why not set a record which will never be broken?
Per me fall 2023: “Paula can peak EOS SL 5th. That’s not pessimistic, nor degrading, by any measure. 2023’s EOS SL 1-4 ranking—Shiffrin, Holdener, Vlhova, Duerr—is exceptional.”
Nor-Am was Paula’s sweatshop. Tech results <T30&DNF shown here; she hit SG too, early on. 2010-2016 consolidate.
Moltzan’s WAWC SL results improved dramatically beginning 2021 when she added GS to her calendar. I’ll venture that’s because more races = happier racer. Solid Nor-Am GS surely prompted this. Paula developed WAWC chops via the NCAA pipeline, as did several other current USA team members. Seems like a good tactic, since you’ll have a degree if pro racing doesn’t pan out.
The toughest of the bunch, I bet, when it gets to brass tacks. She’s paid the heavy starting dues; she'll persevere. AFAIK, she hasn’t had a serious knee/leg injury. (I must say, breaking your hand/wrist twice within six months is a singular ability. The ski pole duct-taped to her glove is a WAWC icon.) Paula has momentum--trajectory fixed, controls set. Her journey’s been thorough and hard.
2024 Overall 17th
SL 12th – 11 starts – 3d; 2x5th; 2xT10; 15th, 18th; 4xDNF
GS 11th – 11 starts – 3xT10; 5xT15; 2x16th; DNF
Pre-season: “I think EOS SL T6 (2022) was her high point.…should be able to hang out SL T10/12 for a couple more years, and keep thumping GS.” I think next season she’ll begin career twilight ramp-up, aiming to peak at Cortina. Paula’s a very appealing character. EOS T10 in one/both Disciplines with a couple T5/6 Worlds/Olympic results will help her in retirement, I bet. Someone will pay her to speak, or to mingle with/entice donors.
Can’t reckon how Moltzen or anyone else will do during season until summer training evals and sooner equipment/team changes are known.
BELLA WRIGHT missed a few starts after getting banged up at Cortina and perhaps Crans Montana. But still, this was an off-season, to be kind. Turning 28 in February—so she has time, but needs to put together a full, sharp Speed campaign.
Overall 70th 79 points
SG 37th – 8 starts – 2xT20; 30th; 2xT35; 3xDNF.
DH 29th – 7 starts – 12th; 2xT20; 29th; 3xDNF.
Not sure what to make of this. Bella’s the US team’s primo Downhiller after Breezy, and on par with Jacquie and Mikaela too. Wright is so good on form. Really hope she excels in her prime.
KEELY CASHMAN had a sparse/underwhelming 2024 WAWC campaign. FWICT, she’s a work in progress, snagging FIS, EC, and Nor-Am races for varying challenge. Turned 25 in April, so still on the young side. She’s had a few crashes, including a wild season-ending SG training wreck early 2021, but no ACL or broken leg bones, AFAIK. This gal can fly—must put together a consistent, full Speed season.
2024 WAWC Overall 104th – 19pts
DH 40th – 4 starts – 24th; 27th; 30th; 38th.
SG 51st – 6 starts – 24th; 31st; 2x37th; 44th; DNF.
2024 European Cup – Overall 103d – 50 points
DH 43d – 2 starts – 16th; 18th.
SG 44th – 3 starts – 18th; 22nd; DNF.
I give Keely more attention, and some grief, because she’s between Wright and Macuga within USA Speed’s roster and immediate hopes.
Career starts: WC 58; EC 29; Nor-Am 118 (35 Speed, 83 Tech). 205 total starts above FIS level—that’s fairly hefty for 24 years old, I’d think. So far the team’s committed to her; I sense she needs to deliver EOS DH & SG T15/17 by 2026 to sustain their confidence.
JACQUIE WILES had her career-best DH campaign.
Overall 47th – 134 points
DH 14th – 7 starts – 2nd; 4x13th; 14th; 25th
Hitting 2nd from bib 26 at Cortina’s melee was an excellent effort. She beat Goggia, Venier, Gut-Behrami, et al. on hallowed ground. Rest of season okay—especially re no DNFs! Turning 32 in July, hopefully she’s got another two seasons. Deserves a team spot after the injury/rehab she’s endured. A really good egg.
AJ HURT flashed serious chops, too often during DNFs. Turning 24 in December, she’s USA’s prime young Techie.
Overall 32st 268 points
SL 31st – 10 starts – 3d; 25th; 5xDNF; 2xDNQ; DSQ. Victory or bust; go big or go home.
GS 15th – 11 starts – 3d; 2xT10; 2x11th; 3xT20; 27th; DNF; DNQ Good season to build upon.
Alert, mischievous; sly innocence IMO. Excellent piano player. If her current arc continues, I reckon she’ll be solid Tech EOS T6/7 one/both Disciplines within three years. Talent + Commitment + Training x les chose digestive = consistent elite ranking. AJ seems confident. She needs to keep on the stick. Solid commercial potential with a couple of T10 seasons. Should have a victory or two by Olympics, where 2 x T10 finishes will put her in public eye. IIWHC I’d be scheming for Worlds and Olympics T5 as a youngster cum Nadia Delago.
LAUREN MACUGA may be sneaking into a first-string Speed spot on the US team. Turning 22 in July, she’s gonna be fun to watch.
Overall 43d 210 points
SG 13th – 9 starts – 5th; 7th; 10th; 2xT15; 2xT20; 30th; 34th. Some weak results, but no DNFs.
DH 33d – 6 starts – 16th; 20th; 2x23d; 2xT40
Rigorous SG in 2023—FIS, Nor-Am, EC—on 18th starts sharpened Lauren up for a nice 2024. Ten 2023 DH starts in Nor-Am and EC as well as 4xWAWC honed her high-speed chops, too. No serious injuries from what I can see. Career starts: WC 25; EC 21; Nor-Am 41.
LARA GUT-BEHRAMI regained peak form, taking big globe; GS and SG. Shiffrin’s injury opened the door and Lara kicked it off its hinges. (Could speculate re Mikaela’s score w/o knee incident. Pretty sure she’d take Overall but maybe not.) Solid (re)confirmation that she, MS, and Fede are the three Biggest People. (Michelle G. hasn’t yet squared the shape.) LG-B dialed in is primo WAWC enjoyment. She’s said next season’s her farewell tour. Feels right. Has Olympic SG gold; committing to another season at thirty-five unnecessary. 2025 Worlds at Saalbach a fitting big-stage finale. Needs 11 victories to surpass Vreni Schneider for Switzerland WC record. Had eight this season. Superb. If national record is indeed important…we’ll see if it’s that important. Petra (31) closest active WAWC winner won’t beat out Lara. No way of telling now who will challenge LG-B for 5th Career victories. (Two more wins and she overcomes Renate Gotschol for 5th.) A great one. Her runs alone are worth watching the show.
Overall 1st. 1716 points Fede 2nd 1581. Mikaela 3d 1409.
GS 1st – 11 starts – 4x1st; 2x2nd; 3d; 5th; 2x6th; 10th. No DNFs; all T10. 65% podium finishes.
SG 1st – 9 starts – 3x1st; 2nd; 2x3d; 6th; 7th; DNF. 33% wins. 2nd consecutive SG globe with a DNF.
DH 2nd – 8 starts – 1st; 2nd; 3d; 2xT10; 2xT15; 17th. A 10th in final DH (finished 17th) would have won globe.
CORINNE SUTER had a tough season. Turning 30 in September, I suspect she’ll be all-in 2025 with a modest Overall T10; DH T4 and SG T7 restoration benchmark. She has Olympic and Worlds gold (1xDH each) and wants more. Cortina ACL total bummer—she didn’t fall; landed a jump wrong. But was off-form earlier. Tussled with illness, from what I heard via race commentary. I suspect personal/professional pride will gun for ten career wins. Current five way off vis-a-vis her talent. Two sharp seasons would get her there, I think. One of WAWC’s heavies when comfortable and on-line TTB. Will probably give up GS—too late to contest Overall.
Overall 55th 149 points
DH 28th – 4 starts – 9th; 11th; 2xDNF. Ran half DH season. Two sub-par finishes. Unlucky ACL. First career surgery, I believe.
SG 20th – 4 starts – 8th; 11th; 2x13th. Not feeling her oats. Per Cortina TV commentary she had flu/felt icky for a month. May explain a lot.
WENDY HOLDENER broke her ankle training in December! Brutally unfair/unlucky for one of WAWC’s most delightful people. With a decent and improving start after her best EOS SL (2nd) since 2018’s same, this denigrated the Tech season. Way worse, she lost her brother Kevin to cancer in February. He was thirty-four. Puts ski racing injuries into perspective, I’d say.
Overall 157th – 135 points
SL 3 starts – 3d; 8th; 12th. Results in reverse order chronologically; Wendy was getting in tune.
GS 4 starts – 2xT25; 27th; DNQ
Turning 31 in May. I have to think she’ll want another Olympic shot. Has SL silver and bronze; likewise a single (individual) silver Worlds medal gives her incentive for further elite decoration. Best wishes for Wendy. She’s a kind, vigorous soul.
JASMINE FLURY excelled for DH gold at 2023 Worlds. 2024 EOS solid DH; SG slipped. I figured EOS Speed 2xT12. Erratic DH; knee became painful after 7th DH—called it a season and had surgery to clean up ligaments. Turns 31 in September. No reason to think she won’t stick it through 2026 if 2025 racing goes decently and body’s content, gives the okay for another round. No doubt would like another crack at Olympics. (SG 12th Beijing best finish.) Worlds too. 2024 was first year on Kastle—I imagine her contract anticipates at least another season.
Overall 26th 367 points
DH 6th – 7 starts – 1st; 2nd; 2x11th; 12th; 2xT20. When she’s on, she’s upper crust. 3xT12 not shabby. No DNFs. Mercurial.
SG 22nd – 5 starts – 8th; 10th; 13th; 17th; DNF. Full season may have yielded T15/17 or so.
JOANA HAELEN's knees gave out at Cortina’s second DH late January. Inspection revealed she operated past couple of seasons with torn right ACL, and five or so lacking a left. How does this work? Missed final 3xDH and Pre-season I said, “I think Haehlen will EOS DH T10 and SG T10/12…I think Joana will have her best year ever, by a good margin.” That didn’t happen.
Overall 39th 219 points
DH 20th – 5 starts – 2nd; 10th; 18th; 25th; DNF. One crackerjack finish; one decent.
SG 21st – 4 starts – 6th; 9th; 13th; 26th.
Turns 33 in January. Back next season, per her social media and Swiss Alpine roster. Joana’s a cool person, and a real gamer for sure. Seems pretty cheerful through adversity. Ragnhild’s a pal. 140 WAWC starts and 94 European Cup starts. She’s put in the vertical. Just one Olympics start: DH at Beijing, finishing an excellent 6th. Lackluster Worlds results in 4 starts (2 x SG & DH)—would like another chance there, certainly.
MICHELLE GISIN had an excellent Slalom season but otherwise worked upon rebuilding her 4-Discipline strength. May still be sorting out Salomon gear. Brimming with talent. Should regain Overall T4 form. Strange that she’s won just once.
Overall 8th. 785 points
SL 4th – 11 starts – 2x3d; 7xT10; 15th; 21st. Fine, consistent SL campaign.
GS 25th – 9 starts – 2x14th; 3xT20; 2xT25; 2xDNQ. Odd, such a difference from SL.
SG 14th – 8 starts – 2x5th; 3xT15; 20th; 23d; 32d. A couple good races.
DH 21st - 7 starts – 7th; 2x8th; 20th; 26th; 40th; DNF.
30 years old for entire 2025 season. I still peg her as EOS Overall T3/4 for the next few years. A committed 4-Discipline dynamo, DH tends to be her “weakest” event…except when it’s not—eg. 2018 EOS DH 6th and 2019 EOS DH 9th. Her top EOS is 4th in Slalom, Giant Slalom, and Super G, with that DH 6th. A season with, say, EOS 4xT6, would challenge for the big globe.
LENA DUERR ran an excellent season. Turning 33 in August, she strikes me as someone who will stick around through 2026. Perhaps she has retirement irons in the fire. She seems to dig WAWC and is in superb form. Germany’s best Techie by far.
EOS SL 2nd – 11 starts – 3x2nd; 3d; 2x4th; 2xT10; 2x15; DNF.
My pre-season: “She’s due for another win and two podiums, which would be EOS podium if DNF and T30 cleaned up (From 2023).” No win but 4 podiums; a DNF but 15th lowest finish. Petra’s ACL misfortune definitely put Lena into 2nd place. (Petra finished 3 points behind with 4 fewer starts.) Lena did, however, beat Michelle Gisin (EOS SL 4th) by 90 points. Solid podium season.
KIRA WEIDLE had another uneven campaign. Turning 29 in February, she must turn it on/realize her potential next season—which is what I said last season. Perhaps she’s as good as she will be.
EOS Overall 22nd 384 points.
SG 11th – 9 starts – 4th; 4xT10; 2xT15; 26th; 40th. Improved from EOS 17th to 11th. I didn’t give an SG prediction. Weird record.
DH 15th – 8 starts – 5th; 2xT10; 13th; 2xT20; 22nd; DNF.
My pre-season: “For 2024 Kira will reclaim EOS DH T5 and will score her first victory. A couple podiums, too. T25 slips are behind her, I think.” Whether undisciplined tactics, hesitant to consistently let it rip, fitness, whatever—Kira’s all over the place. She and Emma Aicher—who was poached from Sweden—are the only Classified Germans in either/both Speed disciplines. So Weidle’s assured DSV’s top-dog status for another couple of seasons. People hope she delivers. Assessing her finish-area demeanor, I judge her as not hyper-competitive.
EMMA AICHER ran a nearly full 4-Discipline schedule. Impressive. Let’s look at the results.
WAWC Overall 48th 191 points
SL – 35th 10 starts – 7th, 22nd, 23d; 6xDNF; DNQ
GS – 39th 9 starts – 15th, 16th; 2xDNF; 5xDNQ
SG – 28th 7 starts – 10th, 17th, 23d, 27th, 39th; 2xDNF
DH – 27th 6 starts – 6th, 23d, 24th; 3xDNF
Not an exemplary record, but she turns 21 in November—plenty of time to improve. Pretty even results across disciplines. Best finishes in Slalom and in Downhill. Just 21 European Cup starts, split within Tech. Took the WAWC Speed plunge and did okay; considerably fewer DNF/Q than in Tech. Team and sponsors are invested, will give her time and resources.
JESSICA HILZINGER had a poor 2024 WAWC Slalom season. No euphemisms for 6xDNQ and a DNF from 9 starts…with 20th and 26th finishes. She had 7 EC SL starts as well, with a 9th being the best placement. Wasn’t injured. Needs major recalibration. “I think Jess is a shoo-in for EOS SL T15 because her finishes will all be T20.” Urghh. Having the same birthday (May 26) may have brightened my opinion, but such a lapse is unusual for anyone at this level.